Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Wednesday

I HATE Wednesdays. It stems from my childhood, more adolescence really. We went to church on Wednesday nights, which in itself wasn't so bad (although I personally didn't enjoy sitting there trying to stay awake). But getting up at 5:30 for school, coming home, doing household chores, working on homework, helping with dinner and/or getting younger kids ready for church, getting home after 9pm, doing dishes, finishing homework and getting to bed again hopefully before midnight...yeah, that sucked. And it has left me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that "it's WEDNESDAY" just sucks the energy out of me, feeling like the day will be an exhaustive pit sucking me dry.

But today was a good day! I Felt good, and it occurred to me as I was riding home from taking Zach to school this morning that I felt GOOD. Being out in the morning air always helps, as much as I hate crawling out of bed. And it must have been good all around because Owen was an angel. Just a true joy, laughing, playing, giggling, being sillly, walking around hunched over and on tiptoes, making slurping noises with his mouth and finger, playing with the cat, taking a good nap, snuggling, eating a good lunch....all the little things that make staying home absolutely worth every second.

Here are a couple of pics, one of Owen in his jammies on the way home from biking with Zach to school, and a photo of a canal we cross over. It sort of makes me think of being Dutch, remembering the stories of canals and kids ice skating to school. Not much luck of that happening here, though. And then a photo of the afternoon Owen, at the playground after Zach got released from the locked gates of his educational fortress.


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