Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27

I can't believe February is almost over.  Time goes by faster the older you get, and it seems to be an exponential increase in speed.

There is a gorgeous full moon out tonight, and of course I had to try and take photos of it.  I don't know why I think it will be any different, so many times, the same camera and same lenses, but it has a definite pull for me.

Tonight I grabbed a couple of quick shots as the moon was shining in a nice clear dark sky.  Then I decided I wanted to try and get some with the tripod and try to create an HDR photo.  But when I came back outside, the sky was full of clouds, obscuring the moon.  But it was sooooo gorgeous, the light coming out around the clouds.  I took so many photos, using different settings and the moon and clouds move so fast, you just wish time could stand still...
Of course, Owen and then Holly followed me outside.  Somehow this big nasty dog toy made its way into the house.  Did I say dog toy?  I apparently meant to say toddler toy.  There is something crazy about this thing, it makes dogs and toddlers go insane.  Holly rips through the house if she has access to this thing inside, and Owen went a little manic spinning it around.  Then he decided he didn't need the toy, he could spin HIMSELF around.  And fall down.  Stand up.  Check his footing.  And start over again.



I LOVE Fridays.  They are the best day EVER.  SRSLY.

Today we have dinner guests...Kirra's family is coming to have dinner with us and I was sort of stuck in small dilemma of "make my own pasta?" or "clean the bathroom?"  The bathroom won out, I knew the pasta making would suck too much of my time, sad to say.  I need to do it more often and get a good rhythm going.

However, dinner was fantastic, dessert was even better (just ask Mark!) and we had a great time.  As evidenced by the dishes lining the counter...always an indicator that much fun was had.

Later, outside with the chimenea lit and the promise of marshmallows to come, Zach and Kirra had an impromptu karate session in the pergola.  I heard her telling him that he would be her "sensei" and teach her how to do karate.  It was so sweet watching them.  Unfortunately I was under the influence of a few glasses of wine by then and not fully capable of operating a camera.  But here's a shot:


February 25

Today is Thursday, right?  I can't keep them straight.  Anyway, not much of note today except that when I had the Roomba running it went under my computer desk and got caught up on the cords.  No biggie, I set it free and then blocked the access.  But later I realized Oh CRAP my laptop looks funky, the screen isn't as bright and sure enough the 'plugged in' light was no longer lit.  But it WAS plugged in.  I unplugged the cord from the computer, unplugged it from the power strip, no change.  I was freaking out.  What would I do without a functional cord?  I can't do photos w/a dark screen but even more so, the battery is only going to last a little while.  AND what would a new cord cost?  I guess memories from childhood are sitting in the back of my mind, scaring the sh*t out of me when something goes wrong that costs money.  'We have no money, how will we fix it?  Dad will have to rig something out to tide us over, and tiding us over always ended up lasting beyond realistic expectations...' So I feel a few extra heartbeats and then hear Kevin's voice in my mind "It's only money." 

It's only money.  I know that sounds overly simplistic and probably naive to those who are really struggling financially right now.  But the bottom line is "It's not us.  It's not our boys.  We are healthy, we have the two best boys in the world and we have each other and that's all that really matters".

And when I unplugged the charging unit from the power strip and let it sit for a while, it worked just fine.  I guess it needed a reset after being assaulted by the Roomba.

Later, Zach came home from school and started in on his homework.  I swear, I hate homework as much now, if not more, than I did when I was in school.  Homework SUCKS.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24

Oh my goodness, does this post mean I'm CAUGHT UP?

This afternoon I went out just before it started getting too dim (nasty gray overcast day) to grab something that I might be able to get a cool bokeh with.  I needed some background light to turn into those cool round blurry bits of light and here's my desperation photo.  The bottom swinging portion of a wind chime, currently hanging in the magnolia tree, waiting for the Elmo tree to become big and strong enough to support it.  It was a little hard to capture, with the wind whipping it all over the place. 

That poor Elmo's had a rough existence.  Recently a branch fell on it and split the top portion of its main stem/trunk.  I don't know if it will make it out of that injury, but for the sake of fate and Elmo, I certainly hope so.  Elmo was the sweetest dog in the whole damned world and he deserves a permanent memorial.  If we have to replace the tree, we will, but I'd REALLY like this poor little orange tree to survive.

So here's to Elmo.

February 23

Look what my inlaws got me!  Aka Grammy and Grandaddy (if you're Zach) or Mimi and G'ndaddy (if you're Owen).  They had ordered it before my birthday but the snowstorms up north sort of screwed deliveries and such, so it just arrived.  Now I know exactly what to ask for when it comes birthday or Christmas time ;)  Charms, beads, baubles...anything to fill this baby up!  They got me 2 birthstone beads to get started.

Thanks, Grammy and Grandaddy!

Monday, Feb. 24

Today I was a little more excited about cooking dinner...I had looked up a new recipe, something I've never tried before, all because I got my birthday gift from Karen and enamel covered cast iron Dutch oven!  I've wanted one for a long time...some of the recipes I've done that call for a Dutch oven haven't ended up so oven proof pots just don't seem to cut it.  And this one is so pretty...look at that red!  I mean really, I should call it my cauldron, it's just begging to cook up something magical.

So I made braised shortribs, using the recipe on the Pioneer Woman's website (you should google her if you don't know who she is, I'd link but I'm lazy right now).  They were AMAZING.  For realz.  You should see Zach's face, it just exudes heavenly bliss.

Oops.  I don't think that's an accurate description of what he thinks of the meal.  Oh well.  Kevin and I thought it was awesome!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 22

Ugh, all this delayed posting is getting to me.  I have to keep checking the date on my computer and then counting backward to get the dates to match the photos for the post.

We got home from Karen and Dennis's (and Estela's!)  and I decided my poor plants were in need of some much deserved TLC.  I got some plant food mixed up and watered everything, and decided to take a photo of my sweet little spinach babies.  And red cabbage babies.  Don't they look cute?  I've actually eaten some of the spinach already, these leaves get HUGE!  Nothing like the spinach I've bought in a bag before.

Happy Birthday Alexander!

This is Saturday's official we went to the house of a dear friend of mine to celebrate the 9th birthday of her son, Alexander.  Estela and I met waaayyy back when Zach was a few months old and Alex was a newborn.  Since then, we've tried to include Estela, Ralf and Alex in our plans whenever we are able, we love their company and it doesn't happen often since we moved 2 hours away.

Anyhow, Estela went all out and overboard creating a Harry Potter themed party, including cloaks that she sewed for each child attending. *faint*  Too much sewing for me, AND she used a pattern.  I've tried patterns a few times, and haven't had much luck with them.  The party was a great success, the kids all had a great time (oh how I wish I could have gotten better photos of 'Diagon Alley' which was in their garage, dimly lit, with Ralf as the shopkeeper selling them their 'school supplies').  After the classes and magic spells were done, the kids ran crazy playing ball, trying to toss it in keep it from the water.  The biggest attraction, however, was the Mentos and Diet Coke display put on by Ralf.

Thanks again for inviting us, Estela!  We had a blast!  Hopefully I'll get the rest of the pictures to you before his next birthday ;)

I Heart Little Hands

It's time for I ♥ Faces again! This week is all about 'Hands On' and the subject is, of course, Hands!  As soon as I read the title for this week, I knew which photo I wanted to use.  This was taken back in October, and it's Owen in the sandbox, dumping out the sand one handful at a time.

Head on over to I ♥ Faces and check out all the other sweet hand photos!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Go check it out and become a follower!  She has some really cute items to give away, and time's getting short :)

Good luck to everyone, and especially to ME!

The Giveaway

February 19

Going to Aunt Karen and Uncle D's house for the weekend!  Yippeeee!  It's always a fun time at their house, and I always come home with about 10 extra pounds to lose.  This time was no different.

Karen made a SCRUMPTIOUS rolled roast, stuffed with all sorts of goodness, slow roasted and melt-in-your mouth delicious.  Steamed veggies with a rich cheese sauce, a collection of gourmet potatoes swimming in buttery goodness, a vat of mushroom gravy, home-made bread...all topped off with many glasses of wine.  And the wine continued to show up in our glasses even after we went outside into the garden.  I have NO idea how that happened....I mean, one minute the glass was empty, the next it was full.  And we couldn't waste it, could we?  Of course not!  I'm pretty sure neither Karen or I ever begged for a memory is a little fuzzy, though.

Kathy, eat your heart out!

While we were outside talking, laughing and drinking to our hearts' content, Zachary was inside and we could barely force him out to the FIRE long enough to cook himself a hotdog, let alone eat a real dinner.  You see, one of Dennis's friends had a buttload of Lego/Megablocks items that he needed to rid himself of.  And Dennis got them, all for Zach.  HUGE pieces already constructed but starting to fall apart from the moving.  Zach was in H.E.A.V.E.N.   He spent the entire evening rebuilding a large jet and our pyromaniac forfeited sneaking any fire play in the chimenea to stay inside and complete it.


February 18

The breakfast of champions!  Or rather, the breakfast of someone whose husband wasn't smart enough to hide the Reese's Pieces.  Curses on him.

February 17

Today I had no photo, so by evening I was gazing around the house looking for something quick and easy to shoot.  These are some flowers Kevin brought home several days ago, still looking perky.  I ended up crawling around the table practically, trying different blooms and different angles and different camera settings.  Then I played a bit in with photoshop actions and fun stuff.  This photo thing sure is time consuming.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Owen has apparently learned the magic word.  I don't think I've ever referred to it as such in his presence, I've simply demanded he repeat it as best he could once he was physically able, in order to receive the positive reinforcement in the way of cookies, candies, whatever.  Psychological bribery.

Anyway, he's got it all figured out.  Today, out of the blue, he added his slightly garbled "Pwease!" to every.thing.under.the.sun.  I guess he figured out it really does work, maybe his brain worked out a puzzle overnight, I have no idea.  But it's suddenly 'Dee-dee! Peas!' (drink, please!) or "Bites! Peas!"  Or "Gapes! Peas!" or "Choo-choo Thomas! Peas!"  When he's really adamant he throws in that 'L' sound that he can't quite make, it is more like a 'Y', and I can't even type it out phonetically.  However, there is a definite correlation between his use of "PYEEEEZE!" and his receiving of requested goods.  It's just too damned cute.

Moving I made a new item, Blueberry Lemon Bread.  More like a cake, or banana bread...a sweet baked item filled with fruit of choice.  I had bought some blueberries to mix up Owen's fruit addiction a little, and I kept forgetting they were in the fridge and they needed to be used up asap.  Zach was helping me shop last week and when I sent him back to produce for a lemon, he brought me 4.  So this was a perfect recipe to deal with my excesses.

And it was TASTY!  Holy cow, so good.  I fully recommend it.  I think the only thing I changed was adding the full pint of blueberries, minus the small handful Owen had already eaten.

I had to remove the loaf out of the pan to take a photo, and SILLY ME forgot about it.  Until Owen came into the family room saying "Take? Peas?" and I was literally afraid to turn around b/c I KNEW what he'd found.  Only I had expected he'd taken the small piece.  Oh no.  He had the big loaf portion, in his little paws, carrying it across 2 rooms to ask me for some cake.

I gave him some. And he wouldn't eat a single bite.  Ok, maybe he had one. But Kevin cleaned his plate later when he arrived home from work.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 15

You know what today is?  I've been waiting for today for about 11 days now...because it was 11 days ago that I finally ordered bedding for our new bed/mattress and I have been watching and tracking the UPS delivery and it's supposed to arrive TODAY!  I even kept that tracking page up on one tab of Firefox, hitting refresh and praying they'd somehow managed to move along faster than anticipated and I'd get it early, like on Saturday.  But no such luck.

It's been on the truck out for delivery since 7:55am.  They usually go down our road around 3:30 to 4pm.  Maybe they'll get here a little sooner today?  I can only wait.

So 3:30, then 4, then 5 go by.  No freaking sign of the big brown truck :(  How can they DO this to me?  I keep checking the page, looking for something that says "Haha!  We ran out of time today, you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow!  Sorry, suckah!"  Six o'clock, 6:30...the website says they typically deliver between 9am and 7pm.  Seven comes along and creeps past...nada.  My poor drab bed still sits there, waiting for that colorful makeover.

At 7:15 I heard the familiar rumble and ran to the door...sure enough there it is!  The truck is parked outside the house and the UPS guy is lugging a huge box up the sidewalk.  I opened the door so he could set it inside and he suddenly paused and said "Oh, I better check that this is the right address!" and I said "It BETTER be the right address!" which he seemed to think was pretty funny.

So here it is.  I need some more pillows to fill the standard shams (3, they didn't have king sized shams in this style for some reason) and some pillows for the Euro shams (one of the reasons I trekked to Target on Sunday, but they were sold out grrrr) but you get the idea.  It's so purty!
 No, the cat does not come with the set.  But she seems to approve of it :)