Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A necessary evil

This is one part of baby rearing that I'm not particularly fond of. I know some people out there are just shaking their heads and wanting to tell me how wrong I am but I don't care. Just like sleeping (which is causes a more heated debate than politics and religion combined), getting a kid to self-feed doesn't work the same for everyone. I personally am not a fan of bathing a child, mopping the floors and cleaning the walls 3 times a day. And I probably wouldn't do it which would leave me with a home worthy of CPS investigation, so I tend to go ahead and do the work myself.

Now it's not just the fact that I hate cleaning, but dammit, my wrist and neck and shoulder are almost constantly pissed off about something and with pinched nerves, cramping fingers, pins and needles, ice stabbing through my wrist and on and on and on, I just can't see myself lifting and bathing a wriggling, heavy, stubborn toddler over and over. Plus, some days, like today, I feel like some great energy sucking monster has sucked all my energy out while I was sleeping. Maybe it looks like a mosquito or a blood sucking butterfly (Have you seen those? Gross!) but I feel like a complete slug and it hits me completely out of the blue (ooh, it was probably that mac n cheese leaving me with sludge in my veins!). See? I'm so tired I am having flight of ideas. Is that the right term?

Also there is the fact that my boys aren't real fans of the dull process of 'eating'. There are much more exciting things to do. But nevertheless, I have to do it sometime and this morning I was tired of the screaming so I gave him the spoon and said 'go for it!'.

No, baby, that's not the best place to be putting your food....

Gee, I didn't realize you could do your OWN airplane! All that wasted time and energy I've spent on it. But can you do the ROLLERCOASTER?

All right now, peek a boo was bad enough but when he started combing his hair with a yogurt filled spoon, I put an end to the fun and games.

Ok, so total yogurt intake, about 1 full spoon. He ended up having a banana for breakfast.

Ooh but wait, the best part is that I took ALL THOSE PICS WITHOUT USING THE FLASH! WooHOOOO!! I hate that the flash totally ruins the 'mood' of most photos and washes out little itty bitty baby and big brother soft ooshy wooshy cute widdle faces.


squirrelgirl said...

After about 5 minutes at the table Katherine loses interest so we start singing her favorite songs. I guess mealtime really is just b-o-r-i-n-g to the little ones.

Kathy said...

I agree with you about the flash and you live in a warm climate, just take him out back and squirt with the hose. And I'm sorry you're having so many aches and pains {:o(

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