Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here, kitty kitty!

I feel sort of bad that I don't have a tribute to the inauguration, or anything at all political. I did spend a lot of time in front of the TV, watching all the excitement and emotion and feeling some of it myself. It is somewhat odd knowing you are witnessing a historical moment, rather than looking back at something and realizing it WAS historical, but being oblivious at the time. I wish our new president much luck, he has a tough job ahead of him.

As for me, I was feeling the chill again. FL is having one of its coldest spells in the past 5 years, or so they said on the news. It's about 50 outside, and we are under a freeze warning. I hope my little tomatoes make it. I was bundled up in the house where it was a frigid 70 degrees (yes, I am LMAO that I think 70 is cold, or even cool). What happened to my hearty mountain upbringing? I think there's something in the air, the moisture? that makes it feel colder. When I was in WV for Christmas they were having a warm spell, but even then I felt too warm. The chill in the air felt really nice. It's just different here.

So here's my photo. Sweet Harmony, lazing away all curled up snug and warm. Like I wanted to be.


Kathy said...

Pretty pussy!

This is the background I really wanted, I was too hasty in making my decision!

And yes, it is bloody FREEZING here in sunny FL!

Jenni Renee said...

Look at those beautiful eyes! 70 cold? We are just finally getting out of the negatives where I am at which 4 ft of snow. lol. I wish it was even in the 50s here. lol. Glad to hear you are doing well other than the "cold weather" though. lol.

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