Monday, March 9, 2009

March 8

A little bit of garden magic...Dh has tried several times to get a nice jacaranda tree in our yard. He's bought 3, I believe, planting in different places but each time the poor tree has died. There is a small one at Zach's school and there were several seed pods hanging off and on the ground, so we grabbed one. I forgot about it, but a few days later Zach put a small pile of seeds on the counter and said he had removed them from the pod.

Eventually I finally took a few of them and pushed them down into the dirt in a pot that had previously held a plant (Stevia, I believe) that died, as most of my plants seem to do. I have been checking that pot daily for signs of life, but hadn't seen a hint of a sprout. Until last night. We lit a small chimenea fire and while I was oohing and ahhing over how well my basil and thyme are doing, I noticed a little sprout in the jacaranda pot! I know it's a bland photo and it is such a small thing, but OMG if we can get this to grow and thrive, I'll have to simply agree that my aunt's birthday gift of the gemstone pendant increasing my 'conncection to Mother Nature' is indeed the magic keeping my plants alive and well.


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