Monday, March 16, 2009

Leprechaun sighting

St. Patty's day is tomorrow and Zach is all geared up to catch a leprechaun. If you get one into a pot/bucket/something, he's obligated to leave you his gold, in order to free himself. So we have some shiny beads, faux gold coins, etc, to entice the little green guy into the mini bucket and hopefully score some mad loot.

As I was meandering around the house looking for something to inspire photography, I saw this leprechaun! I know she's a leprechaun b/c she's wearing green. And she must be a FAMOUS leprechaun b/c she's got those big old sunglasses on. And she's short. It all adds up. Too bad Zach was at karate and missed this amazing event. I don't think I'll tell him about it b/c he'd be very upset at not seeing a REAL LIVE LEPRECHAUN. The photo is all grainy and such b/c it was a quickie shot in a dim room. She was sneaky! But I have proof.

Ok, ok, I am hard up for pics right now. Someone inspire me.


Sharon said...

LMAO, a leprechaun siting, huh? Were you able to squirrel away any of her gold???

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