Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 14

Another day of not doing more than I had to. The have-tos are pretty much breathing and listening to make sure Owen's activites aren't too life-threatening. Dh was home today so the second have-to wasn't overly consuming and I could focus more on have-to number one.

Unfortunately, being lazy doesn't bode well for the prospect of taking good photographs (I think there's something very wrong with my lexical selections there but damned if I really care enough to figure it out and fix it). I managed to grab the camera when all the boys were gone to karate and took these specimens. One is a flattened penny from the zoo, from when Zach went with the granparents. The second is....Salt and Saltines! I bet you are bowled over from the excitement exuding from THAT image. I can barely contain even myself.


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