Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12

Today Zach got his red belt, the third one he's tested for since starting Karate in September. He's definitely showing a lot of improvement, even though he IS prone to goofing off in class, and just watching him, seeing his progress, it's easy to see that he has done a lot of work learning his new skills.

I was really tired today and at the last minute realized I should memorialize his achievement by making it my photo for the day. Since the sunlight has been gone for a while now, I dragged him into the bathroom (extra lights! are you tired of that boring paint color yet?) and we tied his new bright red belt around his head. I hope that's not disrespecting it. Really the only way I could get a shot of it this late and at short notice. Zach was a good sport, even with the hair pulling. I forgot to adjust the white balance and had to photoshop a good bit of yellow out of the picture. But how can it not be cute with my so serious big boy looking up out of there?

I love you, baby. And I'm very proud of you.


squirrelgirl said...

I like this picture - it's creative and fun. Congrats Zach!

Unknown said...

This is a great picture! You are capturing the daily moments with such creativity! I LOVE it!

Unknown said... I figured out how to post finally but now it is assuming I am my husband (Dave)...oh well, eventually I will get this...I still have at least 292 days, right?! -Kelly

Sharon said...

Why do they have to grow up so fast?

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