So I am slowly working my way through this 12 week photo course. Basic stuff. Still, it'll probably take me 24 weeks haha. Today I decided I could NOT put it off any more and quickly read through week 6. I could do a couple of the assigned photos, but it was a rather gray day and not ideal for all of them. I told Zach I need his help and OMG you'd have thought I was asking him to stand in for knife-throwing practice. His foot hurts, it hurts to bend, but I HAVE to bend it if I'm standing, aren't you DONE yet? Do you HAVE to do ANOTHER one? and on and on and on.
I was actually just talking to Kevin the other day about 'the look' Zach used to give us, even as a young toddler. He'd duck his head, lift up his eyes, furrow his brow and you'd start wishing you had a shield b/c the hateful anger emanating from his little face was practically painful. Even his preschool playgroup leader commented on it. I got a little flashback of that today.

Poor pitiful boy.
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