I did a remake of my previous lamb cooking experience, using chops instead of shanks, and all in all it went well. Along with Karen and Dennis, we also had my sister Sharon and her boyfriend Jerad, and SURPRISE, Number Two actually showed up. I hope we didn't scare him.
Since I hadn't yet taken a photo for the day, I gave Number Two my camera at the end of dinner and asked him to snap a pic for me. He composed this one.

Then I took a photo of him.

I had put the camera on 'P' mode a couple of days ago to get some quick shots of the boys indoors with the flash, knowing better than to try and adjust it in manual mode with their quick movements. In light of my wine status, I opted to keep it in 'P' mode to take this photo. Then today I realized Number Two had put it in shutter priority 'TV' mode. So, I was going to apologize for the burry eye, Number Two, but YOU changed it! So I don't want to hear any sermons about learning aperture values.
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