Well, it hasn't quite been that way.
Owen has thus far done nothing but scream, squeal, wail, or otherwise show his displeasure when Zach dares venture into his 'zone'. Playing with Owen's toys, taking time with Mom or Dad, trying to tickle Owen, all result in an angry baby. Zach gets mad b/c Owen finds his Lego creations and tears them apart, or climbs on a chair while Zach is doing homework and bonks his head into Zach's arm causing him to make a mistake, throwing toys and hitting Zach in the head, it goes on and on.
Today I got a glimpse of my dream. Owen is now seeing that Zach can be amusing. He was cackling with glee as Zach tried in vain over and over to clumsily (on purpose) jump up to the shelf holding the candy container. Zach got a look on his face of such pure simple joy that he was able to make his baby brother laugh, I know it warms his heart. And it surely warms mine to see them enjoying one another.
Zach was able to carry Owen 'piggy back' style around the house while Owen laughed and giggled and squealed (the good kind). Then they sat on the floor rolling around, tickling and just having fun.
*Big happy sigh* This is what it's all about.

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