Ok, fine, I know every mother and father is aware that THEIR child is the most beautiful, the most perfect. I'm just overwhelmed with it sometimes. Hard to believe they came from me.
Today Owen and I went to the park shortly after Zach went to school, me pushing the stroller while he was pushing a riding toy. We made it safely there, after many redirectings away from the road, we watched a digger dig a hole and place a new palm tree in it, slid down the slide, threw mulch, rode on the swing, said Hi to puppies, threw the ball at random strangers, etc. I just KNEW he'd be able to take a good nap. Unfortunately, he must run on solar powered batteries b/c he was soooo energized that it took over an hour to get him to sleep for what ended up being a very short nap. At least I got some cute pics out of the deal.
I have been playing with the 'Unsharp Mask' tool in photoshop. OMG, I love that thing. I never really messed with it much before and I need to read up on it to see what it does, from an explanatory sense, rather than just play with the sliders till I get what I want.
This boy has such gorgeous eyes. More than just brown, there's a hint of green and more mirror-like reflection than what I'm used to seeing. I just love looking at them.

And then later I came back to edit this post b/c OMG...it's another full moon! Didn't we just have one of these like a month or so ago? How bizarre.

Your boys ARE uncommonly handsome - it's not just you!
Awww, the pics of Owen are too cute for words! And, yes, my nephews are some very handsome boys. I show off their pictures whenever I can. :)
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