As I was meandering around the house looking for something to inspire photography, I saw this leprechaun! I know she's a leprechaun b/c she's wearing green. And she must be a FAMOUS leprechaun b/c she's got those big old sunglasses on. And she's short. It all adds up. Too bad Zach was at karate and missed this amazing event. I don't think I'll tell him about it b/c he'd be very upset at not seeing a REAL LIVE LEPRECHAUN. The photo is all grainy and such b/c it was a quickie shot in a dim room. She was sneaky! But I have proof.
Ok, ok, I am hard up for pics right now. Someone inspire me.

LMAO, a leprechaun siting, huh? Were you able to squirrel away any of her gold???
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