Ok, today was a quickie. Owen did the "OMG I'M AWAKE!" routine in the middle of the night again, for at least 2 hours, up early, didn't nap well crappola. I let myself off the hook w/dinner and served fish sticks and frozen/baked fries, along with chili leftovers for dh. But I did make some banana bread since Owen has decided his staple food of choice is no longer acceptable and I have fruit flies circling the counter. And I needed to use up the last of some refrigerated bread dough a la 'Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day' so dh at least had some decent bread to eat with his reheated chili.
As Owen is now in bed and dh is reading to Zach, I braved the cold (ok, ok, the CHILL) and lit a candle in the pergola for this photo. I haven't been able to get a nice daytime shot of it, I love the way the sunlight goes through the colored glass, but this will have to suffice. At least it looks warm.
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