I love this corner. I really wanted some red in the room, but it was hard since each wall was sort of a continuation of the next, no true break in the rooms. "Open floor plan" I suppose. I decided rather than one huge red wall, we'd have a red corner. Of course painting meant I really SHOULD go ahead and rip out the base boards (which was a pain in the ass b/c they were the originals and had been left in place when the tile was laid, meaning they were below the level of the floor) and replacing the baseboard meant that they should ALL be replaced, which meant we should just go ahead and put in the new doors since we wouldn't know how wide the new door casings would be...you get the idea. My typical simple project, snowballing. But after it was all said and done, it looks much better than before and my poor dh now has a small compressor and knows how to hang a door (or 6).

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