I did get inspired by my neighbor's plot and I started prepping the ground for more planting. I'm going along the fence, about 2 1/2 feet out, so I can get 2 to 3 rows of whatever, and I'll keep going along the fence until I give up. Unfortunately, the cable guy laid our cable next to that fence, and it's in a very tricky 1 1/2 feet or so distance from the fence. So my progress is slowed by the fact that I have to gently move along, find the cable, pull it up and lay it right next to the fence out of the way of my crazy shovel (I severed it in two places the first time I tried making a garden plot. We now have insurance against such accidents, but I don't want to be without cable for however long it takes them to repair it).
I'm planning on cooking some collards tomorrow. Don't mind the green plastic fencing, it's to keep the dog out. I really don't want to kill him, so this was our compromise. He loves digging in fresh soil, the garden area is a big temptation.

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