Saturday, January 31, 2009

Shoot the moon - FAIL

January 31st, 2009, stardate log or something like that. I'm not a trekkie but I did watch the show when I was a kid. Pretty cool. I wanted to try taking a pic of the moon with my super cool 85mm lens. I realize a larger zoom would probably be preferrable, but hey, it's what I got. I also have come to the conclusion that an early evening moon may be better? Before it's too bright and the sky too dark. I could not get a decent shot, even with Zach outside 'helping' me. I blame it on Owen, taking too long to get to sleep haha.

I'm also curious about the million little colored pixels scattered about most of the images I took, I'm assuming it's 'noise' from the higher ISO (worse on the 800 speed pics) or perhaps small particles in the air. But seriously, red and blue dust? Geez. I couldn't even tell the stars from the colorful bits. Sigh. These pics look sort of cool, but they aren't what I was trying for. It was a crescent moon, I do like the starburst effect though. The second pic Zach wanted me to 'open it all the way up!' or something like that so I turned up the ISO, opened the aperture and let the lens stay open for 30 seconds. It was pretty bright. I did an auto levels in photoshop to bring out the 'details' a little better.

Bye bye January!


Sharon said...

Cool pics! The second one looks like snow...which isn't too far-fetched at the moment!

Jenni Renee said...

I like them both. I agree with the person above me.. the second looks like it was snowing and the first almost looks like the moon was trying to break out of something.

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