I have to plug my husband's alma mater. I personally have no stake in anything football related (unless I happen to glimpse a Marshall game, MY alma mater), but for his sake I will cross my fingers and hope they win their championship game tonight.
Zach actually used to hate the Gators (gasp! evil offspring!) because he hated that his daddy would get so engrossed in the games. But daddy has learned that he can DVR the game and watch it after the boys go to bed, and that the game itself isn't all THAT important, so Zach was happy to don supportive wear (not to mention that one of daddy's ties around your head is never a bad thing). When we got married he swore to me I would never be a football widow. For a few years I was wondering how our definitions of 'football widow' were so drastically different but in time his definition slowly became more like mine and now we have a more amicable football season relationship. I must give him credit (no, really, I must, he reads this thing) he does an awful lot around the house and helps out tremendously with the boys. So, tonight is his night and he has earned uninterrupted football viewing time. However, I am secretly hoping he takes the smaller tv in the bedroom so I can watch a movie or something on Showtime on the tv with the cable box.
We also FINALLY de-Christmased the house (most of it, anyway). I was waiting for a day when he was off b/c taking down ornaments with a demanding toddler underfoot is, in my world, a definition for disaster. I took photos of a few of our Christopher Radko ornaments. I had never heard of him or the ornaments until we got engaged and started receiving them as gifts for 'our' tree. They are very nice, but quite breakable. We lost one a few years ago when a cat climbed the tree and tipped it over :( This is one of my favorites, our wedding theme was 'grapes' and it has a lot of good memories attached to it.

Go Oklahoma!!!
*tee hee*
I'm just being ornery.
No, you're being the bitch that you are ;)
When can we come play Rock Band?
lol. thank you so much for your comment. I have thought about selling them before but I never had the time. lol. If you would like one please let me know though. i would be happy to make you one. :0) They really bring brighten things up. lol. BTW. the guys look adorable! lol.
Way to go, Gators! It was embarrassing for the Big 12 that OU lost, but it's just more justification for Texas fans that OU didn't belong there!
Congrats on the National Championship!!
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