Nothing major going on today, but I sure to feel PMSy. Maybe it was dragging the boys with me to a doctor appointment. Holy hell, I am not doing that again. I've done it before and it wasn't too bad, but today there was a longer wait, and a HUGE combined waiting room, Owen was running crazy and screaming any time Zach attempted to play with him ie. take the Bakugan away, and I was doing my best to keep everyone's eardrums intact. Lots of chasing Owen, shooing away Zach, feeding Owen cookies, telling Zach to sit, giving Owen sippy cup, telling Zach to please leave Owen alone, over and over and over. The appt. took about 3 minutes, but we were there for an hour.
But Owen's happily sleeping now, Zach is watching TV and I am finally posting. I had to threaten Zach with major bodily harm to get today's photos done, but he did comply LOL. Poor kid. I've been chasing him with a camera since he was born and he has NEVER enjoyed it. I swear, when I die, I'm going to haunt them both with ghostly cameras. They just don't make it easy to take their photos.
I have been playing with the manual setting and I had to take these pics in the bathroom where it's small and with bright lights. It's evening now, and I get very bad results with just overhead lighting when I'm not using a flash. Except in the bathroom which I learned last night with the tub shots.
As you can see, he was less than thrilled with the process. But I am pretty happy with the results. I did play a little in photoshop to adjust lighting and adjust the contrast of his eyes, removing some redness, etc. I'm still not completely thrilled with the overall coloring, but it's not bad for a newbie.

I did eventually get a few giggles out of him, after working through the fake smiles. I love this one b/c his loose tooth is hanging out a la Nanny McPhee. He knocked the first one out in karate class, himself. Smacked himself right in the mouth. Crazy kid. He can't wait for this one to come out as well. I keep offering to smack him, but he's not taking me up on it ;)

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