But today there was just too much screaming for me to really take advantage of our happy little schedule. He was still having meltdowns over the smallest things, so I gave him some motrin thinking it might be his molars (he just got the top two, I figure the bottom two aren't far behind) and then I attempted a morning nap around 8:30. He was just CRANKY! I did succeed in getting him to sleep which convinces me he really wasn't feeling well. But it lasted about oh, 10 minutes. Then he was up and raring to go. So the usual 10:30ish nap was out the window. I tried for his 'real' nap around noon. He flipped and flopped and squirmed and kicked and pinched but he did eventually fall asleep. I gently put him in his crib and tiptoed out of the room, breathing a huge sigh of relief. My neck is pinched again and my shoulder blade area is spasming, sending nerve pains down my arm. Not fun holding him for so long since he's getting pretty heavy.
Five minutes later, he's up. I let him fuss for a couple of minutes, then he started playing in his crib, running from one end to the other. I could hear him banging at the head and footboards, then busting up laughing at himself. Sigh. There was no nap in the near future so I got him out.
During the long time spent in the rocking chair I noticed his blocks scattered on the floor and once he was up I decided to try and photograph them. I think it turned out nice. I did apply a default photoshop lighting effect and faded it out about 50%. Notice the grapes? Hehehe.

this is a really pretty picture. :0)
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