I did get both boys outside later in the day, while the sun was setting and making photos tricky, of course. Thank the gods for Photoshop! Yeehaw. I don't know if shooting in RAW is helping me b/c I can only view the images in the Canon software, then convert them to a TIFF format for photoshop. And THEN I can't 'fade' any effects that I apply and I have leaned on that fade option like a crackwhore leans on her pipe. So I convert the images to 8bit color (no clue what that even means, but I bet it's half as good as the original 16bit color) and make my adjustments, fade to where I REALLY want it, then save. You know, the 'fade' must have been put there for us females. We say 'CHANGE!' and when you change we say "ooohhh...not THAT much!" so with the photoshop 'fade' we can pull it back a bit. No matter how subtle the initial change may have been. I always fade. Damn that fade. But my old photoshop doesn't support my RAW files, CRW files, and if there's a fix, I didn't find it.
ANWWAY, as I was saying, I got a few pics this afternoon, so here they are.

Owen again...this one I am posting b/c it's the first time I actually moved the camera trying match the speed of the object. Or intentionally moved the camera, period.

And of course, not to be the least, Zach tried a few poses today.

I haven't forgotten Ozzy, I'm just wiped out by the time I'm ready to photograph the day's memory(s) and he needs more light and people than I can provide at day's end. I AM getting a new lens tomorrow, per my tracking efforts, so perhaps that will light a fire under my ass and I'll get his fuzzy little butt on here.
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