Ok, so I didn't get started on the 1st. So I feel compelled to at the very least post photos of things that represent those lost days. Can't really have a 'Project 365' without all the pics, right? Then it would be 'Project 362' or whatever.
Anyway...I'm not saying these are awesome photos or that I'm skilled with either photography OR photoshop, but these are here to mark the days. And perhaps during this year I WILL actually figure out how to use this camera.

On January 1st, Zach and I went out and bought more soil, a few pots, some plants and herbs to try YET AGAIN to grow a small garden of sorts. This time most of the plants are staying in pots, since I think the soil and water are too salty, or otherwise screwing with my attempts. Don't ask me why my poor sweet basil insists on dying, though. It's pitiful. I may try going out every day to chat with them, gently caressing the leaves, or anything to get them to grow this time around. My ego can't take much more plant dying. Oh yeah, and STAY AWAY, MOLE! That little bastard dug all through my plants last year.

Then on the second, we went back to Lowes, this time armed with a GC from my neighbor (Thanks, Lisa!) and I picked up the Shark Steam Blaster. My aunt was raving about it and hey, anything that makes me more likely to clean the floors is a necessity in my book. It is kind of cool, I must admit. I even cleaned the huge bathroom mirror with it. And NO CHEMICALS!

For January 3rd, I was racking my brain, as my memory is just shot. I do know I took a nap, which is a rarity, simply because I am not a good napper. I didn't want to take a photo of my rumpled sheets, though. Then I remembered that we had gone to Wal-mart...Owen seemed to take a liking to my niece's baby doll, he was so sweet cuddling it. I thought maybe he'd like to have one of his own since he doesn't have a 'cuddly' item and I'm sometimes desperate trying to get him to chill out, go to sleep, stop screaming, etc, etc. I found a cute set of twins (cheap! And there's a replacement for when one gets lost or chewed up by the dog!) but before I had a chance to show him how loveable and snuggleable they were, Zach was showing how to make them fight. They were getting slammed together, flying through the air, banging on each other, all with superb sound effects causing Owen to cackle with glee. Thus, we have Battle Babies. Owen prefers to throw them. *sigh*
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