I will also say that the Food Network is quickly becoming the root of all evil. I was watching last night and they had an Ultimate Recipe Showdown. Holy cow, that food looked so good, and of course it would, it was comfort foods. I added all the ingredients to my grocery list for the winning recipe, this 5 Cheese Mac and Cheese and I have since renamed it to Million Dollar Mac n Cheese b/c of the cost of all those cheeses. Gulp. I was in some turmoil b/c I was afraid I'd make it and then nobody would eat it, preferring the Krap mac n cheese (haha, crap). I don't buy Kraft, but it is still the measuring stick everyone uses for 'good' mac n cheese. It is addicting, I'll admit.
So here's the only photo I've got today. It was tasty, and although I HATE blue cheese and was very apprehensive about using it, it was still good. If I ever make it again, I may use just half of it, though. The recipe made 2 full dishes for me, so I have one in the freezer. Yeehaw! Dinner for 2 nights. Oh yeah, the broccoli is just there as a distraction, some contrast for the eyes and a facade of healthy eating to help smother the guilt as you consume what is literally one great big vascular clog. Ummm yum fat. Eat it up.

P.S. I would have bet big money that Zach would whine and moan and make serious claims on how bad it tasted. But he gave it a thumbs up.
I live in Virginia, (and I like Mac and Cheese, and I am cutting someone from my blog read list because their blog has become boring,) anyway you are now being followed, well your blog is anyway.
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