This post is very photo heavy LOL. I GOT NEW LENSES TODAY!!! *doing the super happy disjointed lopsided klutzy jig* And I guess that's all I'll post b/c I have too many pics. They are probably boring for the most part, at least to the average viewer, but I can see the personality and remember the moments they were taken. Zach is getting a lot more 'into' posing and letting me take pics, I still have to chase Owen and they both have dirty faces but I love them and I love seeing photos of them. They aren't perfect, I still need to work on lighting and focusing (hard to do sometimes w/a running kid) but I think they are better than what I did at the start of this photo project. Oh yeah, there's also another of Harmony. So here you go :)
When is that tooth gonna come out? I love it when Owen shows his teeth in pictures, hehehe. And Harmony looks like her usual skittish self. :P P.S. Have I told you that my online class BLOWS? I will have written more in that #@%!*&! class in one month than I have in both full English classes combined!!!!!! X( X( X(
Awww, such cute kiddlwinks!
And your pussy's not bad either!
they are all adorable. Even the cat. :0)
When is that tooth gonna come out? I love it when Owen shows his teeth in pictures, hehehe. And Harmony looks like her usual skittish self. :P
P.S. Have I told you that my online class BLOWS? I will have written more in that #@%!*&! class in one month than I have in both full English classes combined!!!!!! X( X( X(
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