Hey look! More grapes!

I don't know what that little inverted flame reflection is from. It was on most of them. I had all the lights turned off, and then experimented with an indirect light on, but I finally gave up and quit trying to get rid of the green flame spot.
Today was chill, in more ways than one. It was chilly and I wasn't prepared for it at. all. I have become a Florida wuss. I had to resort to a hot shower with the heat lamp on and then a soak in a hot bath. Then I curled up in bed for a little bit just because I could. Ha. But after dh went to work I got my mojo going, got busy and voila, here I am. Winding it down.
Buenas Nachos, everyone!
Good Shot.. I love digital Cameras because I take about 50 pictures and dump them all into picassa and chose the one or two that I like. The rest just use hard drive space. Try to keep warm !
I did the same last night only I was too lazy to write anything!
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