Anyway, today was going smoothly with Owen screaming and grabbing tightly to my legs at regular intervals, but it was at least expected behaviour. His nap was decent (my life revolves around his sleep or lack therof). I had dinner COOKED and in the fridge, ready for baking to reheat this evening. Headed off on my bike to pick Zach up from school prepared for the afternoon battle of 'get your homework done!' 'Did you do your bathroom chore?' 'Hurry up and eat dinner, you have karate tonight!' etc etc. with some dishwashing, laundry and Owen screaming thrown in ad lib. However, Zach turned my world upside down with a single statement.
"Mom, Mrs. LaFave says our science fair projects have to be turned in tomorrow."
*pause for heart stopping*
Uh, the project that we have allowed you to procrastinate on, we your procrastinating parents, procrastination queen and king of the planet? The one we planned on helping you do THIS COMING WEEKEND BECAUSE WE THOUGHT IT WAS DUE ON MONDAY????
Now granted, the project is voluntary for second grade. But his heart was set on it. I was in turmoil. I did NOT want to do science fair crappola this afternoon, and Owen didn't want me to either. He really doesn't want me to do much more than hold him up to every light switch in the house over and over, but still.
I called Grammy to take Owen for fun Grammy time for a while (THANK YOU GRAMMY! We couldn't have done it otherwise) while I started 'guiding' Zach through is chosen project. Thanks be to all that his good he chose an easy one.
"Can the design of a paper airplane make it fly farther?"

I tell you what, though, someone is dead tomorrow if it's not actually due. I tried emailing her but understandably got no response. Stay tuned for the potential drama!! Woohooo!

Here's a pic of Owen I took this morning. He was climbing back down from the play structure, having climbed UP the ladder on the other side first. He also learned how to open the front screen door today. Yippee.
wow that does sound like quite an adventure. lol. We used to do the same things when we were still in school as well so I know what you were feeling. lol. Cant wait to hear the results... how did the planes work out?
Keep Smiling!
That sounds like a fun science project. And, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Now you know why it's so addictive - lots of whining can be accomplished, disguised as "keeping people up to date on our adventures" :-)
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