I got this comment the other day:
squirrelgirl said...
I tagged you for 7 things... check my blog to see the rules. That should be good for a day's post, you just have to take a pic to go with it :-)
Apparently I need to come up with 7 things that people may not know about me. That's going to be hard to do, b/c I already did 19 on Facebook. I don't know if I have 7 unknown things left.
Let's see....
1. Dh and I have been together for 11 years now, as of 2 days ago. We met at a 'singles' party thrown by a fellow nurse. We knew each other by sight from working in the same hospital, but we had never hung out before. After that night, we were inseparable. Our 10 yr wedding anniversary is coming up soon :)
2. I have a hard time using things up and throwing them away. Like shampoo, etc. I always need to leave a little, so there will always be some JUST IN CASE. I am getting better at it, but it's a compulsion that's hard to break. Ten bottles of different hair products cluttering up the shower, or 6 packages of different pastas with barely a serving left in each one, old spices, old makeup, on and on. Those things cost money! I can't throw them away if there's still some good use left. Sigh.
3. I don't mind human blood and gore, but animal guts and byproducts gross me out to no end.
4. I always used to wish I had a more elegant name, Elizabeth Anne, instead of Beth Ann. Now I'm glad it's a simple name, and not as common as Elizabeth.
5. I have died in my dreams a couple of times. I must say, it's a very bizarre feeling. But not scary.
6. As a kid, I fantasized about having a gut sense about cooking, just throwing together fabulous meals. Now that I'm learning to cook and have made some pretty tasty stuff, it thrill me completely. Back when I was a kid, I tried to fancy up a pot of rice by throwing in all sorts of dried spices. It really didn't taste very good. I don't have an instinct for creating my own recipes, but I do a decent job of picking out the ones that taste good ;)
7.I'm really stumped and out of ideas. I'll have to come back later and edit this one, plus I need to take a photo for today.
---Ok, I'm back...My last thing is another compulsion, I suppose. Not nearly as bad now, but especially when I was an adolescent I couldn't turn without feeling as if I needed to turn 'back' or I'd feel twisted up inside. So if I turned left to go down a row, I'd need to find some way to turn right to balance it out. A complete turn around was tricky, b/c I needed to completely turn around again going the opposite direction. Let me tell you, it was hard to maneuver all these turns in a seemingly non-insane appearing way. I'm not sure I ever really perfected that.
I'm not going to tag anyone for this list, since I already tagged a bunch of folks on Facebook and besides, I'm feeling lazy and don't want to do a bunch of linking hahaha.
Au revoir. To be completed in a little while.
--Now, pics for today. I did another 'self portrait' in a mirror. Then I decided to see how it would look if I focused on the mirror, rather than my reflection. I really liked the 'stranger lurking in the background' feel it had. I really DON'T like seeing how dirty my mirror is. Yikes. Someone hire me a maid, ok?