Friday, February 15, 2013

These hands are on FIAAAAHHHHH...

Ok, that's cheesy, I admit.  Certainly not as catchy as singing about Obama.  But the song IS catchy, which is why it's now in my title.  I am, indeed, living up to my alter ego as Captain Obvious.

But my hands are on fire, not in the good blogging way, or the good vacuuming way or even the good laundry way.  I did get the dishes, done, though.  Le sigh, the fire of my hands is an internal burn, a deep smoldering heat with occasional sparks catching me off guard.   I don't know why, but the short version is I have some problem with my nerves and to be frank it's really pissing me off today.  Sometimes they burn, sometimes I feel ice tingles jumping around, sometimes it's a numbing tingle, sometimes I just feel a sensation long after it should be gone.  And it's not just my hands, but my hands are definitely the worst when it comes to nerve issues.

I'm not on here to whine about it, though, I do enough of that in real life.  I'm only thinking about it b/c of the photo I'm about to post.  I love to read, it was my other life when I was growing up, my true escape, traveling to other lands, other times, meeting other people in other dimensions.  I miss it.  I don't do it much anymore, although not for the obvious reasons of being a mom, needing to cook, clean and transport little people to various places (ok, that sounds wrong...I don't cook little people)...I don't do it b/c it hurts my %$&!! hands and wrists to hold my nook, and my eyes are going south faster than I can keep up with, so it's an exhausting strain to read, leaving me with blurry eyes for hours later.  Even with reading glasses.  I have so many books saved, waiting, but I think about sitting down with a glass of wine and just the nook and all I can conjure up is how exhausted it will make me.  How pathetic is that?

Zachary loves to read.  I love that he loves it--he gets to go where all the magic is, be an adventurer, feel the sorrow and the joy and the fear and the anticipation that a good author will provide.  All he asked for this Christmas was books.  He is just such an awesome kid, and I am so proud of the young man he's becoming.  Although keeping up with his chores would be nice.

Krazy Karmen is his true pal, she snuggles up with him every night.  I put up with her for that alone ♥



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