Not sure if it's a virus (please dear God don't let it be a virus or anything that we all will inevitably contract) or a reaction to his DTaP yesterday, but Owen has puked more nastiness than I thought his poor little stomach could hold. And the other end? Holy hell, the fumes. It's gonna be ugly. I almost didn't take a photo today, figured I could just write a nice depiction of the day, then thought that wouldn't be very nice. So I finally grabbed the camera and took a photo of my tired eyes. No retouching, no digital enhancement, all natural. I swear on the life of my gecko.

those are just tired eyes? Yikes, go get some sleep! (easier said than done right?) Hope Owen is feeling better!
Kathy, I don't have a gecko LOL. That was fun with photos. *sigh* They feel like that, though.
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