Yeah, I'm not a fan of PMS. I used to think it was an excuse that women made up to make people sympathetic to their whiny-assed selves. I had cramps, I dealt. Geez, buck up and move on. Then I got older and I GOT pms. Holy crap. I should be locked away a few days on the bad months. It's really miserable. Being angry and wanting to cry and cry and hate life and want to rip someone's head off for no reason. And knowing it's irrational? That's the worst.
Anway, I'm not really in a happy photo taking mood. But I did get this pic. And I'm not happy with it (surprised?). I had to keep the aperture at a low number (large opening) b/c I was INDOORS again, I was too busy AGAIN to get outside for good light before the sun went down so AGAIN I had a very shallow depth of field. Which I like, dont' get me wrong. Just not in every damn photo. Especially one where it looks totally EFFFFED UP!
I made bread today. I also made some lobster bisque from the lobster we had left from my birthday lunch. And spaghetti with some frozen sauce left over from a few weeks ago. Haha. Lobster Bisque and spaghetti? Now there's a meeting of opposites.
Here's the bread. The front crust isn't blurry in real life. I actually tried to sneak in some whole grain by adding 'white whole wheat' flour to the mix. I prefer the good old white (unbleached!) flour for French bread, I must say. But if the boys eat it, then so be it. Better for them.

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