Today our plans to go out and have fun were foiled. IMAGINE THAT! Owen was up half the night, ended up in my bed rolling around and kicking and fussing and crying and mostly just moving, not sleeping. And keeping me from sleeping. At 5:30 he was up again, wide awake, at which point I nursed him for oh, maybe 2 hrs? Just to get him to be still. It's not like him, but he didn't act like he was in pain so I don't know what was going on. I just know that I'm tired.
However, Grandaddy came and picked up both boys a little after 1, so Sharon and I had a couple of hours for fun. We went shopping, planning on a nice dinner, but other errands got in the way and we still haven't cooked a single blasted thing. I guess I'll have filet tomorrow without her :(
I did get to have a little lapse from reality while I practiced some face painting. Face painting without Owen climbing up in my chair every 3 minutes! Woohooo! It's an exciting time, folks! And I must say, I loved the end result. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and she didn't get to reciprocate the favor. So sad :(

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