Anyway, I almost canceled it due to the intestinal nastiness and general yuckiness of everyone here. But dh conveniently got sick soon enough that I figured he'd be doing ok today to handle transporting and then 'babysitting' me post procedure. So I kept the appointment and this am we headed to the surgery center.
I have never been so calm for a procedure. My bp was AWESOME and I contribute that to the fact that I was soooo looking forward to taking a nice, deep nap. I was almost salivating at the thought. Although I did have a bad caffeine headache, having been without coffee for 3 days. But the drugs they gave me kicked that on its ass, and I woke up feeling F-I-N-E fine. In fact, I was hungry and had dh take me to a diner around the corner where I scarfed some scrambled eggs and grits swimming in butter with a side of sausage gravy, toast and bacon. I couldn't quite clear my dishes but hey, the tummy's not yet on full functioning capacity. Now I'm chillin' watching TV and waiting on the boys to get home from Grammy's. Oh yeah, Zach's still not doing well, so I warned him that if he doesn't start drinking he'll end up with an IV for fluids. Hopefully he's just a little dehydrated but if he doesn't start taking in food and liquids soon, we'll have to call the doc.
I'm sure this will be sore pretty soon (although it really looks pretty unimpressive--they did have to scrape around on the inside to make sure and get all the sneaky cells), but I have some Vicodin to help me over the hump. The last time I had Vicodin I booked a plane trip to KY to visit some old friends. The last time I had Percocet I ordered stuff from infomercials. We just got new credit cards though, and I don't have the numbers memorized yet so dh says he'll hide my wallet and we should be safe.

Glad you finally got some uninterrupted sleep!
I like how you felt it necessary to explain the "scraping around on the inside," under the skin!! I can feel myself paling just at the thought.......
hahaha...that's why I opted for sedation vs. a local numbing job in the office. Even I didn't want to feel or hear or sense that in any way!
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