Well, not me. But DANG I was getting impatient. Zach finally lost his second top tooth! *clap clap clap* That sucker was hanging in for all it was worth, I swear he must have roots made out of steel cable b/c it was 2 months ago that it started getting loose. And that one he knocked out with his own fist in karate class? Still has no tooth growing in to replace it. This one that he just lost today actually has the adult tooth peeking through the gum just behind the space.
Here you can see his gummy, gory glory. And then he's practicing his vampire pose. Because, you know, he really DOES like blood. So you know it's just a matter of time before those 'fangs' get to be more noticeable.

LMAO!!! I'll be extra sure to bring my garlic this weekend. teeheehee.
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