Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I thought I had died

And landed in foodie heaven. I know, I know, this isn't a food blog. But Oh Em Gee...I just had to share this recipe. As I sat down to my plate, or bowl as it were, I could faintly hear harmonious voices singing a beautiful yet mysteriously melancholy chord, as a gentle jasmine scented breeze delicately wafted through my curled locks...But then I snapped out of it and realized that HEY if this is heaven, why is the kitchen dirty? Because surely in any kind of heaven, your knife will pop back into its block, clean and sparklingly sharp, ready for the next go-round. The flour will go "POOF" back into its container, instead of "POOF" in a fine dust all over every imagineable surface. The grease splatters...ok, enough, I think you get the point.

Heaven or not, it was literally the best thing I'd tasted in probably forever. I'm sure it's just because the stars were aligned, the flavors matched my mood, whatever. But it was GOOD. Even though I have an aversion to fatty meats, picking through and separating out the meat from the fatty parts was more than worth it. You must try this. And the bread, too. Go Google "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day" and check it out from the library or buy it. It has revolutionized my bread making (meaning, now I actually MAKE bread) and it's so nice to have a nice crusty hunk o'bread ready for dinner.

PS - please pardon that rogue tomato. I swear on my gecko's life that I placed him in a more aesthetically pleasing spot, but the little hot headed attention seeker jumped up on that lamb shank just before I pressed the shutter button. I ate him first, as punishment.


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