Sharon came down to have a belated 'girls' weekend' in honor of my birthday. And she even brought me a second birthday present (having been the benefactor of my SD card for the new camera), which was....surprise! A pair of shoes! Maybe she really IS planning on stealing the brown pumps I posted before, and she's giving me the Sketchers as a replacement. I'd have to admit, it would be more than a fair trade.
Before she got here, Zach and I decided to practice with some face paints Grammy gave us a while back. While being before Owen was born. I think it turned out pretty good. Now as for the focus, I totally forgot to change my ISO and it was set at 100 and I could not figure out why the photo was coming out so dark. I had to open the aperture all the way up and slow the shutter down to 1/50 and I was still pushing it. So he's a little burry.

Later Owen decided to cozy up with Aunt Sharon, she's apparently showing him some finer points of Wii play.

And he's showing her how fast he can wallop someone sitting so close by.

lol. He looks so happy in the last picture! lol. The face painting is just amazing. I bet that comes in handy at Halloween.
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