Friday, March 1, 2013

What a lovely day.

I heard someone refer to another person or conversation or SOMEthing as 'lovely' and it dawned on me, I don't hear or use that word often at all.  In fact, my writing and speaking vocabulary is pretty limited.  Maybe I should start a word-a-day.  I bet that would go over about as well as my photo-a-day.

But yesterday WAS lovely.  I got in some biking with Kevin, then biked again to Publix for the second time this week, and after school the boys and I made the small trek (via car!) to the farmer's market.  I like to buy eggs from the Funky Chicken Farm and browse and drool at all the other yummy things there.  I'd spend a fortune on the goat milk soaps and serrano/prosciutto and garlic sauce and fresh squeezed orange juice and on and on.  I did loosen up a little and get myself the boys some kettle corn, freshly made and smelling oooohh sooo delicious, as well as some fresh brussels sprouts to roast in a day or so, and some radishes.  We don't often eat radishes, but they were just so PRETTY.

I took my camera along and was sort of hemming and hawing mentally about using it, I'm just not that assertive person who likes to get in your space with a lens.  I need to work on that.  But the gentleman at the Fratello Sole stand spoke up and volunteered to be a model for me :)

I will vouch for the drooliciousness of his products, that serrano ham/prosciutto is uber tasty and Zach had several sandwiches in his lunch made with the asiago cheese we bought there a few weeks back.  Lucky boy.

We stowed our eggs and veggies in the car and then ran off to the small field on the other side, where I told the boys to run around and let me get some fun pics of them.  I've been feeling so achy and cranky lately, I figured we all needed some sunshine filled merriment.  And then I decided I REALLY need to get photos of myself with them, I have so few because I'm always taking the pictures and of course I'm never ready/look good enough/yada yada...thus I handed over my camera to each Zach and Owen, letting them take turns with it and I love what we ended up with.  My favoritest pictures ever ♥



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