Monday, November 30, 2009


Holly and Owen. A match made...well, not in heaven. Dear lord, it's making me crazy, as much as I love them both. Owen screams when she gets near and he has food, but then turns around and dumps it in the floor so she can eat it. Or he gets up behind her and pulls her tail, grabs her head, twists her neck around and pokes his fingers in her eyes to 'play'. Or he sits on the couch with a 'Boat!' (bowl) of snacks/raisins/etc ie. not necessarily dog friendly food, and proceeds to either drop some on the floor, into the cracks of the couch, or just make it easy on himself and dump the entire contents into the couch, thus saving the time it takes to accidentally spill that amount.

Holly, in turn, goes to the couch at various times during the day sticking her head into and under the cushions, looking for treats. She immediately runs under the table when he's forced to eat there (it's a battle, I have to take a few losses here just to get non-liquid sustenance into him) waiting for the inevitable bits that fall from his plate. She sniffs and licks his toes, he screams, I yell at her and chase her out only for her to sneak back under when I turn, about 0.78 minutes later.

She is fed 2 times a day, and she used to really scarf it down, but lately she's been a bit slow with eating. I should be better at removing her uneaten portion, but alas, I'm always doing something else. Or at least THINKING about doing something else. Owen loves dog food. I think it's the crunch. He also loves dumping it out. And for some reason, Holly likes it better when he dumps it out, she gobbles it up pretty quickly. Maybe it's because there is competition, no longer safe in a bowl in her crate.

And Owen seems to think that by hiding his face, I can't see him.


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