My world is logical. 2 +2 = 4, even if you go around the long way and say 2 + 2 = 5 - 1 + 3 - 4 + 6 - 5....It's all just 4, no matter how you look at it and if you ask me, I'll say 4. I suck at lying (not saying I haven't tried!) because when I hear a question, I see the answer (yes, even the '4' I see a 4 in my head, only it's not the pointed kind like I have typed here) and that's what pops out of my mouth. My brain doesn't seem to know how to search around for creative possibilities, it's more like a calculator and it's so IRRITATING. There are times when a nicer, more diplomatic way of saying things would certainly be a benefit and I struggle so hard, and I'm the queen of awkward silences. I'm not good with 'buttering you up' or chit chatting with small talke or saying how wonderful something is when I think it's just average. My mom once told me when I was little that if I actually said "Yes, I like it" then that meant I must really love it.
It's hard because other people so expect you to gush and go gaga over things, but when I try it feels so FAKE. I gave you the answer, what is the logic in restating it? I suppose that's how it works with me. I don't know. But I want to find that other THING, that part that lets me express the beauty I see and feel. And I'll keep working on it.
Btw, here's my photo of the day. I love rose buds. They seem to hold such a fragile yet infinite potential, and you know they aren't quite as delicate as they look. Just bits of perfection, waiting to unfold.
I hear ya sister!! Beautiful photo...
Pssst... whenever you get frustrated/irritated at what you perceive is your lack of imagination, creativity, talent, vision or whatever, just go and visit my blog....
What are you TALKING about?! You are sooooo creative! Your photos are amazing and you have way more of THAT, whatever that is, than a lot of people (myself included) ever will!!! Sheesh.
Yeah, what they said! I love coming over to your blog because it inspires me to make the effort to do better. But I'm with you on the small talk thing.
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