Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 19

Going to Aunt Karen and Uncle D's house for the weekend!  Yippeeee!  It's always a fun time at their house, and I always come home with about 10 extra pounds to lose.  This time was no different.

Karen made a SCRUMPTIOUS rolled roast, stuffed with all sorts of goodness, slow roasted and melt-in-your mouth delicious.  Steamed veggies with a rich cheese sauce, a collection of gourmet potatoes swimming in buttery goodness, a vat of mushroom gravy, home-made bread...all topped off with many glasses of wine.  And the wine continued to show up in our glasses even after we went outside into the garden.  I have NO idea how that happened....I mean, one minute the glass was empty, the next it was full.  And we couldn't waste it, could we?  Of course not!  I'm pretty sure neither Karen or I ever begged for a memory is a little fuzzy, though.

Kathy, eat your heart out!

While we were outside talking, laughing and drinking to our hearts' content, Zachary was inside and we could barely force him out to the FIRE long enough to cook himself a hotdog, let alone eat a real dinner.  You see, one of Dennis's friends had a buttload of Lego/Megablocks items that he needed to rid himself of.  And Dennis got them, all for Zach.  HUGE pieces already constructed but starting to fall apart from the moving.  Zach was in H.E.A.V.E.N.   He spent the entire evening rebuilding a large jet and our pyromaniac forfeited sneaking any fire play in the chimenea to stay inside and complete it.



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