Today I was a little more excited about cooking dinner...I had looked up a new recipe, something I've never tried before, all because I got my birthday gift from Karen and enamel covered cast iron Dutch oven! I've wanted one for a long time...some of the recipes I've done that call for a Dutch oven haven't ended up so oven proof pots just don't seem to cut it. And this one is so pretty...look at that red! I mean really, I should call it my cauldron, it's just begging to cook up something magical.
So I made braised shortribs, using the recipe on the Pioneer Woman's website (you should google her if you don't know who she is, I'd link but I'm lazy right now). They were AMAZING. For realz. You should see Zach's face, it just exudes heavenly bliss.
Oops. I don't think that's an accurate description of what he thinks of the meal. Oh well. Kevin and I thought it was awesome!
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