Happy Valentine's Day! Ok, I know it's early, but we're feeling the spirit a little sooner here b/c Uncle D and Aunt Karen sent boxes to the boys and they arrived today :D Zach was so excited when he came home from school and discovered he had a package. And it was LEGO! Holy crap, could there be anything better for a boy? He immediately forgot about the 'fossil' he'd found at school and MUST clean up (because he and his friend were going to be millionaires, you know, they were going to call National Geographic to come see this bit of dinosaur bone) all due to a car that just had to be built right away. And it was a 3-in-1 set....even better!
Owen discovered his package later b/c he was at Grammy's house while Mommy spent the day being lazy. Oops.
Oh yeah, and there's Harmony, pretty much enacting my day. Only she's got a better spot.
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