It's been on the truck out for delivery since 7:55am. They usually go down our road around 3:30 to 4pm. Maybe they'll get here a little sooner today? I can only wait.
So 3:30, then 4, then 5 go by. No freaking sign of the big brown truck :( How can they DO this to me? I keep checking the page, looking for something that says "Haha! We ran out of time today, you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow! Sorry, suckah!" Six o'clock, 6:30...the website says they typically deliver between 9am and 7pm. Seven comes along and creeps past...nada. My poor drab bed still sits there, waiting for that colorful makeover.
At 7:15 I heard the familiar rumble and ran to the door...sure enough there it is! The truck is parked outside the house and the UPS guy is lugging a huge box up the sidewalk. I opened the door so he could set it inside and he suddenly paused and said "Oh, I better check that this is the right address!" and I said "It BETTER be the right address!" which he seemed to think was pretty funny.
So here it is. I need some more pillows to fill the standard shams (3, they didn't have king sized shams in this style for some reason) and some pillows for the Euro shams (one of the reasons I trekked to Target on Sunday, but they were sold out grrrr) but you get the idea. It's so purty!
No, the cat does not come with the set. But she seems to approve of it :)
Love it! I want it.
Ooooh, very pretty. I especially like the last pic, with Harmony. Lol. Tay-zee kitty! :-p
P. S. I think the pic is a great candidate for "I heart Faces". Her expression is priceless!
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