Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 5 - i heart faces

Today's photo is a two-fer, and hopefully I'll have time to come back and edit this post to add more photos.  You see, the folks over at i ♥ faces are about to celebrate their one year anniversary and as part of the festivities they have come up with a super cool photo challenge for the week.  The goal is to 'naturally' display their logo in your photo.

I have been super busy and haven't had a chance to work on photos or participate in the challenges lately and this one I REALLY really wanted to do.  Alas, not so sure that my first attempt is quite what they were going for and it's a rather desperate "Hey ZACH!  Hurry!  I need a photo for today!" forced type of thing, but being the sweet boy that he is, he complied.  Wet shower head, trying to form the heart with his hands, freezing b/c he was still a bit wet (the kid does NOT know how to use a towel) and wala.

I have no idea if I'll actually get enough done or be able to upload to the contest in time.  I am leaving early Thursday morning for WV to see my Boompa.  He isn't doing well :(  But if the fates allow, maybe I'll be able to get some shots of more people I love, since other family members are visiting as well.  And maybe..just maybe...there will be an internet connection.  So don't fret if my photo-a-day isn't uploaded in a timely manner, I'll catch up.  I promise :)

And in the meantime, go check out the amazing photography and insane creative talents of the i ♥ faces contest entries!



Kathy said...

I'm contemplating starting it up again....

Why does Zach's hair look wavy?

Unknown said...

That's called 'wet and tangled' LOL

Jeanna said...

Cute idea! I had an idea I really wanted to try out for this week but my models were being total diva's and wouldn't cooperate. LOL

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