So I jumped, even though I'd only been sitting a minute, maybe two. And this is what I found.

He's getting to be an expert at dragging those big heavy chairs around.

However, the spoon there wasn't yielding very positive results.

So what other course of action is there but to try with the hands as well?

I guess he's just going to have to take what he can get. It's a tough life, kid.
I swear, I'm going to put jingle bells on those chairs.
Disclaimer: I love that pan. I know it looks nasty. But it's clean and by golly, I LOVE that pan. Or baking sheet, or whatever you call it. You can see my love cooked and baked and burned on there in all its glory and it is NOT coming's not dirt, it's love.
On a more positive note, I managed to find a way to use my left over grilled vegetables (no, I didn't blog about them, don't worry, you haven't suddenly lost your memory) which I had intended on making a salad with, but that didn't pan out so after I ate a bowl full for dinner last night, I was fearful that they'd go the way so many other of my attempts the trash. I HATE wasting food and I really want to be more healthy as well as frugal. But I'm just not good with thinking outside the box. I don't make up my own recipes and left overs are left overs, same old dish, nuked on a different day.
BUT...I put a crack in that mental block today. Not only did I decide to try and make spaghetti sauce using the same half hamburger/half tofu concept as 2 nights ago (thus ensuring the other halves didn't get too old waiting on some use) but I thought I should make a sort of baked spaghetti and throw the veggies in there. Some mozzarella on top and voila...a healthier, more vegetable laden dish (shhh, don't mind that cheese). Now if only I could get my act together and start making more of my own pasta, I'd really feel accomplished.
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