Anyway, this delightful blogger and photographer decided I should be included in her accolades:
And here are the rules:
1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted you the award, and a link to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to approximately 10 other blogs that you recently discovered, and think are great! (Mine are not necessarily recently discovered, but I love them)
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Now, I haven't quite completed the list of requirements but by golly I WILL! As soon as I have non-blurry eyes and enough time to sit and muddle through all the c/p pasting and SPACING on this blog template (maybe it's my small screen that's giving me troubles?) I will be able to fully claim my award.
Thank you SO MUCH Jen! I love it :)
...ok, now I'm finally getting around to spreading the love...
1. Kathy...I am giving you this award b/c I am thrilled that you are doing the Photo 365 project again and I'm hoping that by having this award, you will feel motivated to keep it up even when you feel like it's not worth it. You have an award to live up to! And besides, maybe now Nick will buy you a new flash LOL. So here's to Kathy!
2. Jeanna: She takes such gorgeous pics. I am jealous of her talent.
3. Sarah: I stumbled on this blog a while back when she won an award from the Pioneer Woman. And talk about and a way with words that will keep you coming back for more. I don't even have the guts to SAY 'very blue clitoris' let alone blog about it.
4. Jen: Jen posts things that make me think.
5. Amanda: She and I bought cameras at about the same time, but she got really good really fast. I hate her. ;) Btw Amanda, when you read this, I want to know about your seamless papers!
Ok, that's all I've got at the moment, aside from the biggies like Pioneer Woman and such, I haven't ventured into a lot of blogs. Some from I Heart Faces already have this award, so that cuts them out of the running LOL. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more and when I find them, I'll come back to edit this post.
Yeehaw! Have a happy Saturday!
Your VERY welcome!!! Keep up the good work ! :)
Awesome!! I'll be dining with a celebrity tomorrow night!
Thank you so much for your kind words! This was a fun post - I even found a couple blogs that I hadn't discovered before =)
I don't get how to "collect" the award. I clicked on the link but the direct link wouldn't work on my blog so I had to save it and upload it again. Is that what you're supposed to do?
Kathy, that's the way I did it LOL.
yay! thank you so much <3 and shhh you don't hate me ;)
and i will tell you anything you need to know about seamless. its pretty much the most fun thing ever ;)
Aw, thanks!
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