On the actual 6th (yesterday) I was packing up and running around to make a quick flight home, my Boom-Pa isn't doing very well and several of the family members have converged. Hoping for the best, arrangements are being made to move him and Granny to stay in Iowa with their son/my uncle in hopes that being around family will help spark more energy and improvement. But nevertheless, we love him lots and no matter what he will always be wrapped in our hearts.
Anyway, since I was packing and packing for the boys to go to Grammy's house, and needing to clean (didn't happen) and fold laundry and do dishes (also didn't happen) and just get ready to LEAVE, it occurred to me that it was the PERFECT time to try out a new technique that I'd just read about. If it's already chaotic, what's a little more chaos, right?
And here you go. I do wish there were more of me to get stuff done, but we'd probably all just end up procrastinating and playing around with the camera.
Love it! I wish there were more of me, too. But, like you, I guess I'd just get more of nothing done! LOL! ;)
This is so awesome. I want to try it with Peri in her 3 different v'ball uniforms...
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