And oh, was it nice. On the way over I stopped off to say 'Happy Birthday' to #2, but alas, it wasn't his birthday. Oops. I was off by a couple of days, which is actually good b/c I don't even have a card for him yet. However, while there he grabbed my camera and was showing me a few things, then switched my cheapie little lens with his nice 100mm lens and snapped some quick pics of me with the sunset glowing. Verrah nice, numbah 2. And yes, your lens did give better, crisper shots. But I'm feeling too lazy to do a comparison crop. I will say, there was one really good one from my 50mm, as far as clarity goes. On the downside, things like that show up all the wrinkles and sags. Oh it's hard to see the changes time puts on you. In the mirror your brain sort of blinds you to them, but a photo is a much harsher reality. C'est la vie.
Dinner was AMAZING. In case you read this last night, you may know that I almost titled this post 'One Girl, One Salami', which was highly amusing last night as we were eating, drinking wine and enjoying dessert. One dessert was a 'chocolate salami' and in our 12 year old boy selves, we were cackling and joking and hopefully not annoying the other patrons. There was a definite resemblance to something other than chocolate, or salami. I'll let your own mind take you there. We almost made a YouTube video with it, which would have most certainly caused a rapid succession of spin-off videos as people filmed OTHER people watching 'One Girl, One Salami'. But we didn't.
I (as well as Kathy) decided to have an extra glass of wine in lieu of dessert. Unfortunately for me, and for Nick, apparently, it put me to sleep for half the movie. He says he had to keep poking me to make me quit snoring. I did enjoy what parts of it I saw, though! LOL But when Legion comes out on DVD, I'll have to rent it b/c I missed the middle :(
A great night....thanks to all of you who contributed. And long live Bacco's Wine Cafe!
Oh yeah, one of the pics below is there just b/c I like the way my hair is blowing. And I was playing around w/some textures, in case you couldn't tell.

Beautiful! You have fabulous hair.
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