Friday, June 4, 2010

Can you give a girl something more than "More Roses"?

That was posted on my Facebook wall a few days ago.  I wrote the author back b/c I was thoroughly confused, and thought for sure some weird spambot had hacked her account, leaving bizarre messages that must surely have some subliminal mind control, just waiting for me to download a virus to my computer.  Srsly.  But no, she was just hinting that I needed to update my blog.  Hmmm.  How embarassed was I? Kelly, this is for you!

Grammy just left with both my little monkeys and boy I'm about ready to crack a bottle wine to celebrate.  As I'm typing this on June 4th, school has been out for 2 weeks today, and both boys at home all day long is pretty much pure chaos.  I'm tired.

These pics were taken on May 8 or 9, I believe.  Owen is still a little fruit maniac, and here he was totally enjoying some watermelon.  As well as taking tips from Zach on the finer points of swing set play time.  The funny thing is, as messy as Owen gets eating juicy, sticky, drippy or whatever kinds of foods, he freaks out when he's done (and sometimes before he's finished) saying "Wash hands! Wash hands! My shirt's wet!" and pulls off his clothes b/c there is NO way he's going to wear clothes that are inappropriately wet.  Bathing suit wet?  Fine.  Other clothes wet?  Hell no.



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