I have taken pics here and there and honestly I don't even know if I've uploaded all the ones I had planned. I'll check after I post....
Kevin celebrated the start of football season by DVRing the Gators' game. He tried to listen to it during dinner but I vetoed that. I DID dress all the little ones in Gator apparel. Even Holly.
I am hoping to get moving on more photos soon. I have been pretty discouraged that I couldn't get pics as good as I'd like, especially indoors (which is where we are most of the time as it's an infernal blaze of heat as soon as you step outside) and since the light is low, and Owen is in constant motion, I've given up getting many candid shots of him. And it kills me because he's so cute and does so many cute things...but getting the camera, setting it up, getting it to capture him with a slow shutter speed (and I've tried so many combos of shutter, aperture and ISO)...it's made me feel less than adequate. HOWEVER....this gal told me what she does...and I'm copying her. I ordered a flash for the camera today! (and I'm copying her black frames as well hahaha). I'm hoping it gives me good results indoors. I will probably never have the artistic inclinations that she does, but I can at least try to improve on what I'm doing thus far.
Merry Christmas to me! (thanks, Honey!)

In recent years, active wear has become one of the biggest sectors of Gator Apparel.
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