Hard to believe, 8 years ago I was shocked and horrified at what was happening in Manhattan...the terror inflicted on our nation by a group of religious, power hungry zealots. I don't blame the Muslims or those of the Islam faith, I blame the twisted, evil leaders who use their faith and wield it as a weapon. It can happen in any religion if you are good enough at suppressing your followers. Even the good old 'Christians' have had their fair share of death and destruction under the guise of faith.
Anyway, I've taken a few photos today but I haven't uploaded them. My wrists are really paying the price of holding the camera + heavy lens + large flash...lots of nerve pains and zings through my fingers. But I do have a couple more from yesterday, so here you go :) I know I need a lot of work yet, but I don't feel so hopeless taking the camera out for indoor shots.

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